Monday, January 30, 2012

Ugh client work

Sunday (yesterday) I had to work, now usually after work I go home and work on animation for this project. But unfortunately I was asked to film  a actor's reel and I ended up having to stay at work from 11am-1-am that's 14 hours and about 7 hours of work was lost. So I'm going to try to get as much work done today as I can. After going over my schedule I really realized how pressed for time I am, and I don't think I'm putting in enough time during the weekends. What I'm going to do is make sure I'm done with all my homework from other classes BEFORE Friday so I can spend all of Friday and Saturday working on this. (I usually work on other homework before hand). I'm also debating on whether this job is conducive to my film. Is it really worth losing all those hours for a check I won't see till almost two months later?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Animation Making headway

So I have About 11 shots roughed out right now. They just need minor tweaking (things such as uploading assets and making sure timing is right.) I'm hoping that I can take the time this weekend to get them to a point where they are about 90% done. The scene above is one of the meteor shots that I'm working on cleaning up and getting roughed in right now. It stills needs a correct background. I'm also having issues uploading videos on both blogger and youtube. Hopefully that gets corrected in the near future :/