Thursday, October 6, 2011

About Theropodia: Inspiration

I've had a fascination with dinosaurs since I was a young child, I've always thought that they had very interesting shapes and quite frankly they are cool.  The idea of these giant beast once roamed the earth absolutely blows my mind and sends my imagination into overdrive. I think it would be absolutely wonderful if we could go back in time and see what these magnificent creatures were actually like. So I thought it would be a great opportunity if could animate how I see dinosaurs. I actually got the idea for this animation on a Sunday over the summer, while I was sitting in church (not paying attention to the sermon like a good girl) and then from there I started doing some research  on dinosaurs and the period (cretaceous) that I wanted to depict. I then began to study the anatomy of dinosaurs and did some rough sketches. Here are some of my references for my project

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